Saturday, February 28, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

1940 Chevrolet Engine Specifications

Full Pressure 235 Engine Specifations

1953-62 235 engine Specification

Engine spec.
Bore                                                                                                       3 9/16”
Stroke                                                                                                   3 15/16”
Torque spec. Lbs
Cylinder head                                                                                                95
Mains                                                                                                           105
Rods                                                                                                               40
Flywheel                                                                                                        60
Rocker arm support                                                                                       30
Bellhousing                                                                                                    50
Wrist pin pinch                                                                                              30
Rods & Mains
Rod diameter                                                                                          2.311"
Mains                                                          #1                        2.6835”-2.6845"
                                                                    #2                        2.7145”-2.7155"
                                                                    #3                        2.7455”-2.7465"
                                                                    #4                        2.7765”-2.7775"
Crank end play                                                                                .003”-.011"
Rod side clearance                                                                          .005”-.012"
Rear seal diameter on crank                                                                    3.875"
Valve springs   (+ or – 10 lbs.)                                             65 Lbs. @ 1.844”             Hydraulic lifters                                                                                  1 ½ turns
Solid lifters                                                             .006” intake, .016” exhaust
Intake guide height                                                                                        1"
Exhaust guide height                                                                              15/16"
Original thickness                                                                                          4"
Cam gear runout                                                                               .004” max
Crank gear runout                                                                             .003” max
Backlash                                                                                         .004”-.006”
End play                                                                                          .001”-.005”
Piston & Rings
Piston clearance                                                                            .0006”-.001”
Ring end gap                                                                                  .007”-.017”
Oil ring rails end gap                                                                     .015”- .055”
Ring clearance in groove                                                               .002”- .004”
Ring clearance in groove (oil ring)                                                .000”- .008”              
Runout                                                                                              .008” max

1947-55 1st Advance Design Chevrolet Pickup Characteristics

Friday, February 13, 2015

Installing A Magnet In A Differential

For years I have been installing a magnet in differentials.
Below are two pictures of the location I find works well.
I do not glue it in place. The magnetic force keeps it there. This makes it easy to remove for cleaning.
There are also pictures of the magnets I use. They are available at most hardware stores.
Installing a magnet can greatly extend bearing life by removing contaminants.